Since you've succesfully landed on my doorstep, I believe introductions are in order!
I'm Lucas, he/she. This website is a place for me to post, archive things, and just generally mess around. Traditional social media has been on the decline for a while now and this is my way of making sure my stuff is out of the hands of corporations and billionaires.
My main interests are music, electric guitars, sonic the hedgehog, video games/anime, and communism. Expect posts about all of these things here. I'm pretty all over the place interests wise, so there will be plenty of variety!
I'm not on a ton of social media but if I am it will be linked here. I hope you have fun, and feel free to come over any time. (also everything here is in the public domain. feel free to steal any of my graphics or drawings or whatever i could not give less of a fuck)
- 1/21/25: Began construction on site redesign
- 1/27/25: Published site officially, it's about 90% up and running
- 1/20/25: Finished zonelets blog, added sonic character cursors :)
Car Seat Headrest - Beach Life-in-Death
Duke Ellington and John Coltrane - In a Sentimental Mood
Live and Learn - Crush 40 (From Sonic Adventure 2)